Fossil History Of Diesel Fuel REVEALED. Not Actual Dinosaurs!

In the Johnny Cash song “Rusty Cage” Mr Cash dictates that “it is too cold to start a fire, I’m burnin diesel, burning dinosaur bones”.  He may have been speaking in general terms but was not too far from the truth.  We also know of the large green dinosaur Sinclair stations use as a mascot.  It seems we the consumers would like to think that dinosaurs deserve some credit, like they died for our transportation needs.  The truth is our fuel started its humble journey as microscopic sea plants and animals, not the mighty T-Rex, however they may have existed at the same time.

The song may have come out a little different if Cash was true to the origins of diesel fuel.

One Response to “ Fossil History Of Diesel Fuel REVEALED. Not Actual Dinosaurs! ”

  1. OlderthanIlook

    How did you not know that was a Soundgarden song, professor?

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